sexta-feira, setembro 17, 2004

Outage Explained - Sept 17
Photobucket has suffered mulitple disk failures in the last week. We chose SCSI disks because it was supposed to be much more reliable. Unfortunately, its just been a string of bad luck. The disk has finished rebuilding fine, but the filesystem was corrupt. Running this check/fix takes many hours. We hope to have the albums back up by tomorrow. This is just the honest truth and we don't want to promise they'll be back tonite. Also, we are flooded with email so please don't email us if you get a "page not found". Your album is not lost and we are apreciate your patience.The Photobucket Team

Quer dizer, todas as minhas fotos que est?o nesse site, estão provisoriamente "fora do ar", mas eles est?o trabalhando para resolver. (Na verdade est&#227o jogando batalha naval, lendo piadinhas, vendo sites de mulher pelada e torcendo pra coisa voltar a funcionar sozinha...)

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